
Please feel free to post any comments regarding how you are effected by the increasing ground water level.

The goal of this blog is to engage the City of Fircrest into installing a drainage system in our vicinity to promote a more livable area to reside, as well as stabilizing our property values.

Worth Reviewing...


Using the information that we have acquired, parts of Fircrest are in an "aquifer recharge zone". The water supply which is flooding our yards, streets, and homes is originating from the aquifer beneath us.  

This is where Fircrest is obtaining our water supply, via the various wells owned by the City.  Under normal conditions this would be ok, however the Tacoma City Landfill is located on top of the aquifer and any contamination is going to be distributed by the aquifer.  I'm not currently going to address the possible pollution issues, as I personally don't have the funds to test for every possible contaminate which could be seeping from underneath the landfill.

My ultimate concern is that we are not being protected, by the City of Fircrest, from the damage being caused by the water which is erupting from this aquifer.  I have documentation that shows that the City of Fircrest had 2 million gallons per month unaccounted for in 2010 and 2011.  This is not  helping, but hindering our groundwater issues.

We do have a "study session" on Monday, May 21, 2112 at 6pm.  It's my understanding that we have to submit questions prior to the study session, to the City of Fircrest, in order for them to be reviewed and hopefully answered.  If at all possible, please attend this meeting.  We must demonstrate to Fircrest, on a continual basis, that we are concerned about our homes and health.

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