
Please feel free to post any comments regarding how you are effected by the increasing ground water level.

The goal of this blog is to engage the City of Fircrest into installing a drainage system in our vicinity to promote a more livable area to reside, as well as stabilizing our property values.


Fircrest City Hall

May 21, 2012

6 pm

Well, we had our showing at City Hall.  Not everyone was able to make it but enough people showed up to let  the Council know that we wanted to be heard and we need the City's help!

Julie Post had some information for the council members, and they actually looked interested!

They did assign a "study session" to take place on May 21, 2012 at 6 pm. This is about all we could hope for at this stage in the game.  A study session will take place where they gather information and present it to the Council at the next meeting.  If you want to stay involved, come to the study session so Fircrest can gather as much information as possible. We may get the same routine Jadon Rudolph and Evan Lee did when they invoked a study session last November.  I have my own thoughts on this process, but we do have to do our due diligence to get this down on paper and recorded by the City of Fircrest.  Sooner or later we will get answers to some very relevant, legal questions.

They will not make an announcement other than the City of Fircrest website and the bulletin board at City Hall concerning this meeting.

Remember, Tuesday, May 21, 2012, 6pm.

Please email me if you have questions.

Steven Post 


Fircrest City Hall

June 12, 2012

I thought I'd let the dust settle before I commented on the most recent council meeting.  The City of Fircrest was simply "blowing smoke" at us by saying they wanted to help.  

Everything the mayor, David Viafore, stated at the previous meeting that he would do by June 12, 2012, did not happen.  Namely, he told me he would find out what was going on with the 6 million gallons of water, per  month, which is unaccounted for and being pumped from our well system.  Apparently, the City still has no idea where it is going or what effect it is having on our groundwater levels.  Mr. Viafore did not even address this issue.

Perhaps he is still befuddled about the statement from his "land use attorney" whom he said he would contact and get back to us regarding the issue on the easement between Monterey and Ramsdell.  The answer is in the Fircrest Municipal Code of the "dedicated and donated easement" which was accepted by the Town of Fircrest back in 1961.  The State of Washington supersedes the City of Fircrest as to how land use is regulated.    It finally was mentioned that the answer to the easement issue was returned to the City of Fircrest and marked "confidential".  However, Mr Viafore stated that "I haven't had time to review the document".  I guess it can snow in Fircrest even in June, which describes the "snow job" we're getting at the council meeting.

I guess we'll never know what was in the document marked confidential and was related to our issue, as our situation is not on any upcoming agenda, that I am aware. I have my own thoughts about what was in that document and I don't think it will surface until some of us obtain legal representation to pry it out of their cold, uncaring hands.  

I think the council does want to help us, however I feel the leadership of the council is not working toward the best interests of the residents, and voters, regarding this groundwater issue.

Yes, we are being stonewalled.  The City is not showing any interest toward helping us, even though it is easier for them to get Federal Funds than it is for us to do it.  Individually and as a group, we need to continue our efforts towards resolving this issue.  It is my personal feeling, that the City of Fircrest has contributory negligence in the rising groundwater level in our neighborhood.  As previously brought forth at the study sessions and council meetings, the City has yet to address the 70 million gallons per year of unaccounted water leakage and why they choose not to utilize the property they own between Monterey and Ramsdell for drainage.  They are aware of the groundwater levels causing damage to our homes and are making the choice to do nothing about it.  

To me, that is irresponsible and negligent of a public entity.


Fircrest City Hall

Council Meeting

June 26, 2012

Great Meeting!  

Although I didn't expect much from this meeting, we seemed to have a greater impact on the council than at previous meetings.  The gist I got from the meeting is that we, as a group, are getting fed up with being stonewalled.  5 people got up to the podium and challenged the Fircrest Council.  

In all of the previous meetings we have been pleading with the Council for help with facts, figures, and RCW's.  Almost every family attending this meeting sent someone to the podium.  Residents from Monterey, Ramsdell, and Forest Park spoke their mind.

Mayor Viafore believes that as a group we were "divided in our cause".  Nothing could be farther from the truth, Mr Mayor. The mayor also stated that he had heard that there may be a lawsuit pending and gave that reason why he wouldn't convey to us what was in "confidential" response from the land use attorney.  To my knowledge, no one is or has, threatened a lawsuit.  Sure, we've suffered thousands of dollars in losses but we're still trying to get the City to do their "due diligence" and put some drainage in the affected area to minimize further losses to our homes.  

Mayor Viafore, in my mind, is blowing smoke on this issue to hide the root of the problem.  He is trying to start a rumor of a fictitious lawsuit to keep from giving us any information.  He is stating that we are divided in cause and response.  I hope those of us attending the meeting noticed that the mayor was laying the groundwork for a "natural cause" in the rising groundwater level.  Does this sound like a mayor that really wants to help us?

Director of Public Works, Mr. Greg Clark, stated that he was going to have some of the residential water meters tested for accuracy, in an attempt to locate the how Fircrest is losing 70 million gallons of water annually.  By "losing" I mean they are pumping the water out of the aquifer, which is passing through the meter and then the City cannot determine where the water has gone after that because they haven't sold it to anyone.  Mr. Clark did state the the meters at the well sites were extremely accurate.

The mayor and Mr. Clark were going down the same path that decreased water usage in the town is causing our groundwater levels to rise.  Really, is this the best reason that they can come up with?  

There was supposed to be an "Executive Session" of the Fircrest City Council last night, after the regular meeting to discuss the confidential response from the land use attorney, Carol Morris.  However, if you notice on the agenda for the Executive Session, there wasn't  a groundwater issue on the agenda.  Even though it is stated on that agenda that additional topics may be added, wouldn't you want the attendees to be well prepared in order to make the best decisions possible?

Mr. Evan Lee was one of the affected citizens who spoke out last night, requesting information as to whom he could contact at City Hall for information on this issue.  The mayor pointed to himself and every council member in attendance.  Mr. Lee, I will be emailing you and everyone else contact information of which I am aware.

I wonder if the City of Fircrest will be forthcoming with information regarding the Executive Session, following the meeting?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this blog and your efforts to find a long-term solution to this problem. Our home on Pasadena flooded for the first time last May after having lived there for 10 years with no issues. The Fircrest public works employee blamed the rising water table for the problem. I hope to attend the council meeting on the 24th.
