
Please feel free to post any comments regarding how you are effected by the increasing ground water level.

The goal of this blog is to engage the City of Fircrest into installing a drainage system in our vicinity to promote a more livable area to reside, as well as stabilizing our property values.

Affecting all of Fircrest!

  • I'm assuming the water we drink, bathe, and work with, in the City of Fircrest, is being treated for possible contaminates from City of Tacoma Refuse Facility located less than a mile from our homes.
  • What is not being monitored or treated is the groundwater rising to the surface, from those same water sources and aquifers.
    • We garden in it.
    • Our pets drink it.
    • The soil is contaminated by it.
  • The following link, also listed as an "interesting link" contains extremely vital information as to how our water supply is and can be effected by the City of Tacoma Landfill:
  • Please take note, the groundwater which is permeating the surface of our properties is not being monitored for contaminates originating from the Tacoma Landfill.  The City of Tacoma is effectively treating water at the site that it can capture, however it cannot get to all of the water table surrounding the landfill.  
  • Since no one is monitoring the groundwater, as noted in the supplied link, who knows how we are being effected?
  • Be sure and read the "Public Health Implications" in the report.
  • In my early years of driving truck in the late 1960's, I personally hauled 4-5 dump truckloads of asphalt roofing waste, every day, to the City Landfill.  Today, the same waste is being hauled to a hazardous waste site in Oregon.
  • Feel free to follow the link, if you will, and comment on page one of this blog.