
Please feel free to post any comments regarding how you are effected by the increasing ground water level.

The goal of this blog is to engage the City of Fircrest into installing a drainage system in our vicinity to promote a more livable area to reside, as well as stabilizing our property values.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Legal Opinion to the City of Fircrest,

 Made Public

We received a copy of the legal opinion, by Morris Law, to the City of Fircrest.  It was sent to us by the City of Fircrest, which was appreciated.  Several of our neighbors received a copy of the letter, as well.  

Personally, I'm not too concerned about the contents.  I truly hope that the City of Fircrest actively completes more research on this issue.  I'm not an attorney and I like to keep my practice at law to an absolute minimum, but I simply don't agree with some of the issues she brings forth in her opinion concerning the ten foot easement.  I am not going to go much further than that in my explanation because as I mentioned before, I'm not an attorney.

However, in the opinion submitted to the City of Fircrest she does concede a number of issues.  Here are just a few of those issues:

  • The ten foot section of land was given to the Town of Fircrest (1961) and accepted by Fircrest on a "quit claim deed" with the notations of "streets, utilities, and drainage".
  • The drainage easement was required on the plat"because of the discovery of spring water in the area".  As stated in the letter of legal opinion, her source of this information was "City of Fircrest Staff".
I hope her source of information also advised her that the Fircrest Park, near the recreation center, used to be Spring Lake and water was very prevalent in the area which is why drainage was required to be annotated on the final plat.

Please take a few minutes to read the "Legal Opinion-Easements", submitted to the the City of Fircrest by Morris Law.  You can find the link to the document in this blog under the "Interesting Links" page.

Again, I appreciate the submission of this document to us by the City of Fircrest.

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