
Please feel free to post any comments regarding how you are effected by the increasing ground water level.

The goal of this blog is to engage the City of Fircrest into installing a drainage system in our vicinity to promote a more livable area to reside, as well as stabilizing our property values.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Election, 2013

Well, the voters have spoken.

Now we just have to convince the mayor why, "This has never happened before, I have no idea why this has happened."

Mr. Evan Lee, my neighbor, had a pretty good idea what caused it and he managed to get his letter to the editor published in the Tacoma News Tribune on November 14, 2013.

I hope the current council members, as well as the incoming council members, will take note as well.  You cannot ignore the needs of the citizens of Fircrest and expect to get elected year after year.  How many voters in Fircrest did the affected residents talk to, concerning the council reaction of our frequent attendance to the City Council meetings?  Will other Fircrest residents get the same reaction when they present issues to the council?  I have yet to hear valid reasoning why the City of Fircrest will not provide adequate drainage to this area.

Now if we can only get the Mayor to figure out why two long time council members were not re-elected....

                                                                                                      Steven Post

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