
Please feel free to post any comments regarding how you are effected by the increasing ground water level.

The goal of this blog is to engage the City of Fircrest into installing a drainage system in our vicinity to promote a more livable area to reside, as well as stabilizing our property values.

Group Progress


The purpose of this page is to measure our progress toward obtaining assistance in getting our groundwater rerouted away from our homes and off of the streets.

  • April 19, 2012, Group meeting at Fircrest Rec Center. 31 people attended, representing 20 homes with groundwater problem.
  • April 24, 2012, Presented our dilemma at City of Fircrest Council Meeting.  A Study Session was granted, scheduled for May 21, 2012.
  • April 29, 2012, Fircrest Councilman visited Monterey Lane, 7 am, Sunday Morning for a personal review.  Mr. Pat McGowan pointed out several issues to the councilman.
  • May 21, 2012, Study Session-  
      • Well, it happened, the study session that is.  Personally, I felt it was a "Dog & Pony Show".  I'm somewhat jaded as I've been through this before with the City of Fircrest.  I didn't care for it much then either.  The City does what they can, without showing partiality to any specific group of citizens.  That's part of being a public entity.  In the 80's they did the drainage thing down at the Park, but it was too far away from our water problem to help.  Then in 94 they did another drainage issue at Whittier play-field.  I did not notice any decrease in water volume on Monterey because they did it "downstream".  Mr. Gregory Clark stated the same thing he stated to Mr. Rudolph and Mr. Lee at their study session, that homeowners will have to pay their own way to the street, regarding getting the water off their property.  Mr. Clark also added that homeowners would have to utilize "due diligence" in solving their own drainage problems.  Mr. Lougheed attempted to explain the "Distribution System Leakage".  The reasons I heard did not come close to explaining how over 71 million gallons of water was used(lost) by the City, and that was just a twelve month period from 12/1/10 to 12/1/11.  Mr. Viafore stated he was not aware of this issue, but would find out and let us know.  Mr. Viafore's statement came after I stated on the soap box that I felt the City should also utilize "due diligence" in managing their (our) water supply.  Several people of our group also voiced their opinions on the "soap box" in the presence of the city council. This is the kind of action which the council needs to hear in order for anything positive to occur.  We need to make our presence known by voicing our viewpoints on this issue.  The Mayor stated that he felt the answers to our questions regarding the "express easement" and the Water Use Efficiency Performance Reports, as well as any other related items would be on the agenda of the first June Council Meeting.  Until then, DON'T UNPLUG YOUR SUMP PUMPS!

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