
Please feel free to post any comments regarding how you are effected by the increasing ground water level.

The goal of this blog is to engage the City of Fircrest into installing a drainage system in our vicinity to promote a more livable area to reside, as well as stabilizing our property values.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


 I met with Mr. Trent Lougheed from City of Fircrest, on June 23, 2011 and located the origin of the "spring" which is causing most of the recent water flow on my property.  The spring is located on the easement area northwest of my property. This area is designated for the City of Fircrest to have access, if a drain is needed, and is listed as such on all of our property titles which border the spring.  I was advised by the City to get together with another homeowner and install a drain, to route the water to the storm drain.

I was told by Mr. Lougheed that the spring is an "act of God" and the City is not liable for installation of a drain.  What I don't understand is why should we have to provide access for the City to provide a drain if they refuse to take responsibility for installation of a drain.

Does this make sense to you?